Co-creating the worlds we want to see
Facilitation, training, and mentoring for social movement organisations
Tending to how you work together
Maybe you need to upgrade the way you make decisions, or clarify your purpose. Perhaps you want to explore how you support each other or navigate conflict. Maybe you want to build your power or work out where you fit in the wider movement ecosystem.
Tatiana Garavito, Care and Repair Lead, Tipping Point
Katherine Wall is an exceptional facilitatorand co-director, one who moves with the quiet wisdom of someone who knows that change begins in the spaces between us, in our cracks. In Organising for Change, Katherine created intentional and reflective encounters where deep learning happened for us holding space and for people who joined us.
Rabab Ghazoul, Director, Gentle/Radical
Katherine created an incredibly secure and safe space for me to explore some deep issues around my professional journey, specifically the challenges of leadership. Their inquisitiveness and rigour meant there was a thoroughness and depth to the enquiry, consistently informed by Katherine’s nuanced understanding of power and rank dynamics, both the ones I bring, and the ones I face.
Maia Kelly, Unlearning Racism Collective, Racial Justice Network
Katherine is a gifted facilitator. Their ability to thoughtfully open up deep and challenging conversations that get to the heart of the issue, while listening deeply, and synthesising the needs in the room so succinctly and effortlessly is incredible! Their approach is gentle, strategic, radical, compassionate and humble.
Who am I?
My name is Katherine Wall. I am a facilitator, trainer, mentor and participatory researcher working with social movement groups and organisations to develop how they/we work together well for the long haul.
My role is to support people to talk to each other about the ways they would like to work together. This looks like helping groups make decisions together, exploring with them what care and support they need, thinking through what they might need when they are in conflict.
I do this work via whole group workshops, facilitating group conversations, and via 1:1 mentoring to support groups and organisations to imagine how they would like to work together and work through what might be needed to get there.
Explore what I offer
Does your group or organisation need the support of an external facilitator? Sometimes, it can be helpful to have someone hold space for a decision that might need to be made so everyone can participate, or to talk through group dynamics, or explore the group's vision and purpose together.
Does your group or organisation need training in aspects of how you work together - like decision making systems, options for conflict transformation, care and support in the face of burnout, or understanding power dynamics? I offer a range of in person and online workshops for teams / full groups.
Are you looking for some support navigating the way your organisation / group works? I offer one-to-one mentoring for people working in social movements in Britain. I love it as a way of working in depth alongside individuals as they navigate the work they are trying to do in the world.
Who I have worked with