
I offer my work on a sliding scale based on the size / turnover of the group or organisation you are part of. For a guideline of my daily/hourly rates (based on a 7 hour working day) see below: 

  • Small orgs - £250 / day or £35 / hour (1 member of staff / annual turnover of less than £100k) 

  • Medium orgs - £400 / day or £60 / hour (2 - 10 members of staff / annual turnover of between £100- £500k) 

  • Large orgs - £650 / day or £100 / hour (More than 10 members of staff / annual turnover of more than £500k) 

I am open to being paid in full at the end of our work together or in instalments over the time of our collaboration if that is preferable. 

To acknowledge the contribution of the lineages of work that have informed my practice I redistribute 5% of my earnings to grassroots pedagogy projects in the Global South. 

And I redistribute across my sliding scale by offering lower costs to smaller organisations and free support to local grassroots groups where I live.  

Would you like to explore working together? Book a free 30 minute consultation call: