
Does your group or organisation need training in aspects of how you work together? 

I offer in person and online workshops for teams / full groups. These range from one-off introductory sessions to longer term learning journeys. The way I work is participatory and in the tradition of experiential learning.  

This is based on training I have undertaken with Training for Change and Paul Kahawatte from Navigate in these approaches, as well as founding and running a social movement training organisation - Organising for Change - which was rooted in this methodology.

I bring a compassionate, supportive approach to workshop facilitation and training, skill in asking good questions, and an ability to support group learning through experiential processes.   

This approach comes from over 15 years working with social movement groups and organisations as a trainer and facilitator.

Topics I work with include:

What will shift for you as a result of working with me?

  • Deep learning, through the creation of intentional and reflective encounters.   

  • A sense of enough safety to go beyond comfort zones and into learning zones where you may uncover something you did not know before. 

  • A deep knowledge of how groups work, formed over 15 years working with social movement organisations, as well as 6 years studying them as part of a PhD programme, so that you can build on learning from how others have tackled similar challenges. 

  • A sense of support to go towards challenging topics that get to the heart of the issue you are working with.  

  • A sense of belonging in yourself, your group and the wider movement so that you can connect in with your purpose and reach into the support of a wider ecosystem.

In Organising for Change, Katherine created intentional and reflective encounters where deep learning happened for us holding space and for people who joined us. Their remarkable sensitivity to power dynamics—seen, named, and gently held—invited a sense of belonging that nurtured each voice without erasing its uniqueness. 

- Tatiana Garavito, Care and Repair, Tipping Point


  1. Consultation Call 

    To begin with we will have a free 30 minute consultation call to explore what you'd like to work on, for you to ask questions about my approach and for us to see if we want to work together and in what ways. 

  2. Planning Call 

    If we decide to proceed, we then have a meeting to explore in more detail the purpose of the session, the learning objectives and access needs of the participants. We also decide if the session will be held online or in person (I can offer both). 

  3. Logistics 

    Your role would be to arrange the relevant venue if we are meeting in person, share information about accessibility of that venue, organise food/drink and communicate the date, time and location of the workshop with participants. 

  4. Session Design

    I then take this information and work up a session design / an agenda for the workshop and share with you for your feedback and input. This feedback is then incorporated into the design and shared back with you. Once agreed, an agenda and information about the session is then shared with all those participating.

  5. Session Delivery 

    I then facilitate the session and invite feedback from all participants. 

  6. Debrief Call 

    We then have a meeting to reflect on how the session went, any learnings, and if we are organising further sessions, what might be needed for those. 

If we are organising multiple sessions we repeat this cycle from planning - debrief. 

Next steps:

If you’d like to explore working together, please book a free 30 minute consult call where we can talk about what you are looking for and if we would be a good fit: