What I offer

Do you want to make your group or organisation more effective by tending to how you work together?

Maybe you need to upgrade the way you make decisions, or clarify your purpose.

Perhaps you want to explore how you support each other or navigate conflict.

Maybe you want to build your power or work out where you fit in the wider movement ecosystem. 

My experience:

Over the last 15 years, I developed my skills as a facilitator and trainer through working with a range of organisations from the Racial Justice Network to the Good Ancestor Movement, Friends of the Earth to Shared Assets.

My training: 

Through being trained and skilled up by incredible teachers including Training for Change, Processwork UK, and ULEX, I have learned a range of skills including how to deliver experiential learning processes for groups, how to facilitate deep conversations for organisations, as well as how to accompany people as they transform how they work.

I have also received an MSc in Research Methods from the University of Bristol and undertaken participatory research alongside my PhD project to support an organisation to reflect on its racial justice work over the last ten years. 

My role:

My role is to support people to talk to each other about the ways they would like to work together.  I do this work via whole group  workshops, facilitating group conversations, and via 1:1 mentoring, to support groups and organisations to imagine how they would like to work together and work through what might be needed to get there.  

  • I leave Katherine's sessions feeling energised, with clarity on how to move forward, and a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.The Unlearning Racism Collective would be in a very different place without Katherine’s invaluable support. It's been a deep honour to have worked with Katherine as an external facilitator, and would recommend them wholeheartedly! 

    Maia Kelly, Unlearning Racism Collective, Racial Justice Network

  • Katherine has been in a critical friend role for me for the past couple of years. They have created an invaluable space to talk through complex issues related to movement organising, race and leadership. I trust Katherine's advice on these topics and more, their ability to ask useful questions and to offer suggestions for my own personal development. They facilitate with ease, interest and compassion. I would really recommend Katherine as a mentor!

    Christabel Buchanen, Shared Assets

  • Katherine was patient, reflective, considerate, and committed to the principles of care and liberation in ways which not only improved the quality of the work we did together but also formed the basis of a rich and inspiring working relationship. I would choose to work with Katherine again in a heartbeat.

    Jo Kamal, Food Sovereignty Organiser

Explore what I offer




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