How much do you charge?

I offer a sliding scale based on the number of staff / annual turnover of your group/organisation. It is important to me that this work is accessible and so I charge more for larger organisations in order for me to work with smaller organisations for less / grassroots groups for free. For a more detailed breakdown of costs check out the pricing page.

Do you work with individuals?

Yes, I offer one-to-one coaching/mentoring for people working in social movements in Britain. I love it as a way of working in depth alongside individuals as they navigate the work they are trying to do in the world.

How do you work with groups?

My role is to support people to talk to each other about the ways they would like to work together. I do this work via whole group  workshops and training and facilitating group conversations. I also offer 1-2-1 mentoring for people on navigating groups dynamics. For a broader overview of the ways I work with groups, check out the what I offer page.

What are your politics? 

My politics have been shaped by over 15 years in social movements in Britain. I’m particularly inspired by the approach to social movement politics shared in the text ‘Joyful Militancy: Building Thriving Resistance in Toxic Times’. The values I hold whilst doing this work include: curiosity, clarity, staying with the trouble, moving towards what feels good, holding contradictions. Check out the values page for more information.